Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Confidence Man

I made my way over to Pier 40 onto The Lilac to see a production of "The Confidence Man," a play based off of Herman Melville's book of which (the play, not the book) my good friend Nick Feitel played a large part in. This play, however, is not of the typical variety. The closest thing I can seem to think about to compare this to would be a haunted house but I would greatly insult this production in doing so so I will refrain from doing that. If anything, this production was a choose your own adventure of sorts led by six interactive tour guides that we can feel free to abandon at any point in time; I chose to stick with my tour guide.

Despite the wondrous show I had witnessed, in choosing to stick with my tour guide I missed any and all scenes that my good friend Nick had performed in, which was particularly troubling especially since he was who I had come to see. However, from the fact that there were six different tour guides I surmised that, especially I had really enjoyed what I had seen I could potentially come and see it five more times and be treated to five completely different shows, which, is something that I did hope to do. However, upon my return home I looked at the website to reserve my spot for a future showing only to discover, much to my chagrin, that the rest of the performances were all "sold out". I put sold out in quotes because it is a free show, which may be a large factor in why the play is booked full for the rest of the month. However, the website encourages you to show up and put your name on the waiting list anyway so I think I'll go do that tomorrow, and this time I'll make sure I see my friend Nick.

In other news I've been continuing my internship with PBS' American Masters and working with a great director/producer by the name of Gail Levin. She, last year, made a series of short interviews and etc. featured on The New Yorker's website that followed the presidential election, and even though we know who won, it's still very much worth checking out. The series is called the Naked Campaign and it's very good and informative. Plus you get to see cool caricatures of all your favorite politicians (even Hilary and Obama as Homer and Marge Simpson respectively).

On a completely different note, apparently I have an IMDB page now thanks to Nick

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